Creating Space for Outdoor Learning and Play
This award recognises settings, organisations, or institutions that have created or transformed educational environments to provide rich and stimulating outdoor spaces, where learning, school-related activities, and play can take place outdoors. These spaces should offer a diversity of activities and experiences that address the physical, mental, developmental, and learning needs of the users.
The winning projects will demonstrate participative approaches to space creation, ideally including links with the community and neighbourhood. The spaces should also foster contact with nature and nature-based learning through habitat creation and exposure to outdoor environments. Additionally, they should embody sustainability and climate resilience, making sustainable choices and ideally incorporating nature-based solutions.
The award may also consider other ways in which institutions or organisations have successfully provided regular settings for outdoor learning and play, fostering stimulating experiences and connections with nature.
Open to architects, designers, landscape architects, educational institutions, and organisations involved in the design and implementation of outdoor learning and play spaces. Submissions should focus on projects completed between 01/06/2023 and 28/02/2025
Judging Criteria
Submissions will be marked out of 10 for each of the following criteria:
Pioneering an Innovative Approach (10 points)
Evidence of innovative and creative design that challenges traditional outdoor learning and play spaces. How does the project introduce new ideas or strategies to enhance the outdoor educational experience?
Quality of Results and Expertise Employed (10 points)
How well was the space designed and implemented? This criterion reflects the level of expertise used in creating the space and the quality of the results achieved in the process.
Scale and Impact (10 points)
Consideration of the reach and benefits of the project. This includes the breadth of impact, such as how many users the space serves and the long-term positive effects it provides, while acknowledging that bigger isn’t necessarily better.
Demonstrated Success in Terms of End User Benefits (10 points)
Evidence of how the space benefits its users, such as increased outdoor activity, greater engagement with nature, or improvements in physical and mental well-being. Judges will look for data, feedback, or examples that show the space is actively used and positively impacts its users.
Sustainability and Climate Resilience (10 points)
Consideration of how the space integrates sustainable practices and promotes climate resilience. Does the project use eco-friendly materials, nature-based solutions, and strategies that support long-term environmental health and sustainability?
Submission Requirements
Entrants must provide the following:
• A written summary (max 1,000 words) addressing the judging criteria.
• Case studies of up to 3 projects, including visuals (photos, floorplans, or renderings).
• At least one testimonial from an educator, school, or key stakeholder involved in the project.
• Supporting evidence such as:
Enter the Awards
To sponsor this category, please contact Jacqui on 01892 351626 or