Exhibition Visit | Coffee Break
10.45 - 11.15 EduFringe Sessions
EduFringe: Campfire
Use of covered outdoor space in the Learning Estate - hosted by Steven Anderson, Scottish Futures Trust
The Learning Estate Strategy says the use of outdoor learning environments should be maximised. Can we say we are doing this? A discussion on how covered outdoor space can not only encourage the use of outdoors but also how it could challenge what you need to build indoors.
EduFringe: Retrofit & Refurbishment
Net Zero starts with energy waste - hosted by Simon Kerr, SAV Systems
For the UK to achieve its Net Zero goals, it must not only decarbonise its energy supply but, to achieve significant, short-term gains, it must eliminate energy waste. EnergiRaven is a Danish-designed energy monitoring and targeting system developed with energy waste and financial logic in mind. By digitising a building's energy consumption, EnergiRaven can rapidly pinpoint sources of inefficiency, enabling building operators with complex portfolios to reduce their carbon footprint even before addressing the energy source. That's why Net Zero starts with energy waste.